Micronized Adipose Tissue and Platelet Rich Plasma

It is an innovative Treatment and regeneration of the articular cartilage of the Knee (by degenerative osteoarthritis)

Dr. Matias Fernandez Viña / MD, cPhD.

The field of regenerative medicine provides a new area of non-surgical treatment to address a variety of orthopaedic conditions, including osteoarthritis of the knee. The potential to improve the quality of life of patients by reducing the pain and improving function, with adverse effects to a minimum, has generated interest among researchers, physicians and the biotechnology industry to develop new applications of cell therapies.

The adipose tissue has been shown to be safe and potentially effective in the treatment of orthopaedic conditions. Microfragmented adipose tissue is a relatively new treatment concept which we have done in our Institute, and that it meets the regulatory criteria of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), after being considered a minimally invasive procedure to extract and inject adipose tissue for orthopaedic conditions on the same day and time, and is not considered a drug, biological as Mesenchymal stem Cells expanded in a laboratory of Advanced Therapies (which itself requires regulation and controls).


Involves taking a sample of adipose tissue by a procedure called MELA (Mini Extraction Lipid Outpatient), with local anesthesia in 15 minutes.Subsequently obtained adipose tissue (50 ml) were filtered and processed using advanced technology and finally re - injected into the knee joint to treat the patient. In a span of 45 minutes, the procedure is finished, with high-ambulatory patient for 50 minutes.

The literature supports in several studies that have shown promising results.

In 2014 Striano et al. demonstrated in a single case report, improvements in the VAS pain score and the result of the score, knee injury and osteoarthritis (KOOS) 6 months after the injection of adipose tissue autologous microfragmentado in a knee severely arthritic disease meniscal concurrent. The results are encouraging and pave the way for larger studies to patients with knee pain who do not respond to other current treatments.

A recent study of Malanga et al. demonstrated the safety and efficacy of the percutaneous injection of Micronized Adipose Tissue in 17 patients with a history of osteoarthritis of the knee (grade 3 and 4 of Kellgren and Lawrence). Significant improvements were observed in pain and functional outcome measures at 12 months in comparison with the initial value. They observed an improvement in the Scale of numeric rating of pain (NPRS), the Score of the society of the knee (KSS) and the Scale of activity of the lower limbs (LEAS). There were No reported serious adverse effects.

The recent literature has demonstrated the safety with Micronized Adipose Tissue.

Russo et al. evaluated the safety and outcome at 1 year of a single intra-articular injection of adipose tissue autologous and micro-fragmented in 30 patients affected by chondral lesions degenerative diffuse. Found No major complications, nor at the level of the knee or at the level of the site of harvest. Hudetz et al. showed structural changes and biochemical positive in the cartilage after intra-articular injection of MICRONIZED autologous in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Were enrolled in the study a total of 17 patients and were evaluated 32 knees with OA. They found a decrease in the average scores of the visual analog scale (VAS) and an increase in the content of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in the hyaline cartilage.18Cattaneo and cabbage. retrospectively analyzed the safety and potential benefits of the use of adipose tissue autologous and micro-fragmented as an adjuvant in the surgical treatment of the condropatía degenerative knee. The results showed that, when associated with a procedure of shaving, improving symptoms and function at least up to a year of follow-up, with a trend of steady increase over time. In fact, we observed a steady improvement and statistically significant in all clinical scores from preoperative assessment to follow-up of 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, being the sport KOOS and quality of life scores improved.



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